The first part of the formula ( 255amount ) is for controlling the 'whiteness', and the second part ( getRed(pixel)(1-amount) ) is for controlling how much of the original color comes. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color 255d52 hue: 0.47, saturation: 0.43 and the lightness value of 255d52is 0.25. If we want to blend with 20 white, then we should use 80 (1-.20) of the current red intensity. 255d52 hex color red value is 37, green value is 93 and the blue value of its RGB is 82. The ability to set the opacity on a colour differs subtly from setting the opacity on an element using the CSS opacity property. FFFFFF (or 0xFFFFFF) is known color: White.HEX triplet: FF, FF and FF.RGB value is (255,255,255). First, remember that white has RGB values of 255, 255, 255. This means that we can set not only the red, green and blue values, but also control how much of what’s behind the colour shows through. The A stands for Alpha, which refers to the level of opacity of the colour, or to put it another way, the amount of transparency. A 20 lighter version of the original color is 250, 255, 255, and 137, 198, 198 is the 20 darker color. If you turn on the red and blue lights and leave off the green light, you have shades of purple (R 150, G 0, B 150. Think of these numbers as knobs that you can turn up or down.

A complement of this color would be 224, 224, 224, and the grayscale version is 236, 236, 236. So it should come as no surprise then that a color with R, G, and B values all 0 is black (no light) and a color with R, G, B values all 255 is white (pure light). This is fine and dandy, but whatever values we specify have one thing in common - the colours are all solid, flat, and well, a bit boring.ĬSS3 introduces a couple of new ways to specify colours, and one of those is RGBA. The RGB color 192, 255, 255 is a light color, and the websafe version is hex CCFFFF. We’re all familiar with specifying colours in CSS using by defining the mix of red, green and blue light required to achieve our tone. It could be body, app root, view, page, navbar, toolbar, list-block, etc. Instead we’d used RGBA colour values, which is part of the CSS3 specification. All you need is just to add color-theme-color class to the required parent element.

Traditional White is too light to display its color palettes. When we launched, a lot of people were surprised that the design wasn’t built with PNGs. FFFFFF (or 0xFFFFFF) is known color: White. The equivalent RGB values are (255, 255, 255), which means it is composed of 33 red. When Tim and I were discussing the redesign of this site last year, one of the clear goals was to have a graphical style without making the pages heavy with a lot of images.